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Western Tanzania

Unique, untravelled and adventurous


Western Tazanaia

A Tanzania safari in Tanzania's Western safari parks, Katavi and Mahale, is going off the beaten track. Due to the relative costs and inaccessibility of the region, only those ready to invest time and money tend to be able to get out here, which is a massive shame as this is an outstanding region of Africa.


Mahale National Park

The lakeshore here is of the best powder-white sand, behind which rises a scope of forcing mountains clad in verdant tropical vegetation. Giant electric-blue butterflies dance over the streams, and the woods burst at the seams with sound. It's delightful, yet it also harbours Tanzania's population of primates: yellow mandrill, red colobus, blue, red-followed, and vervet monkeys are rarely far away - and obviously, there are the chimpanzees.


Katavi National Park

Katavi National Park is one of the best parks in Africa, and many safari operations would love to start camps here. However, the logistics and costs are so difficult that only a couple of small, permanent safari camps share this 4,500km² of wilderness. You sometimes run across more prides of lion than other people on a game drive!


Zanzibar Archipelago

A tropical paradise just a short scenic flight away. With stunning waters, sandy beaches and Swahili charm, these spice running islands make the perfect beach finish to any safari. We would always opt for a beach finish here over moving countries, purely as the travel is so seamless it becomes part of the fun.

Western Tanzania Lodges


Greystoke Mahale


Chada Katavi

Tanzania's circuits


Northern Tanzania


Southern Tanzania


Western Tanzania


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